Breaking: Nationwide Credit Card Outage
People around the United States are reporting that credit card readers are down.
People on social media from California to New Jersey are reporting credit card processing outages. The mainstream media has yet to pick up on the story, so we wanted to give you a quick notice before the banks close. You may want to hit an ATM before shopping or going out tonight. As we mentioned in our cyberwar guide, having cash on hand is good preparedness. (Thanks to Stephanie Arnold for the heads up.) Comments are open to all, so let us know if you’re having credit card trouble. You can also join our Discord server, where we first learned about this.
However, don’t jump to conclusions about the cause just yet. Last month in Germany, older Verifone H5000 POS terminals were taken offline when their certificates suddenly expired. The current outage could be related to that.
Here are more reports we’ve seen on social media: