First Impressions from Israel's Counterattack Against Iran
Late night thoughts on what Israel's counter-counterattack means.
Israel attacked an Iranian embassy in Syria, and then this past weekend Iran attempted to counterattack Israel, only to be thwarted by Team America: World Police. So all week, the folks on the Discord have been on pins and needles to see if Israel would counter-counterattack Iran.
Now it has. Details are sketchy at the late hour I’m writing this, but it seems as though Israel has successfully attacked Iran, and possibly targets in Iraq and Syria. This attack was not backed by the US and Israel specifically avoided any nuclear targets.
However, some things are already apparent.
This is developing into a broader Middle East war
Middle Easterners killing each other has been a fact of life as long as I can remember, but at this point it’s apparent that this tête-à-tête between Israel and Iran isn’t going to die down anytime soon. Expect Iran to launch yet another counterattack, followed by an Israeli counterattack, etc. etc.
Who could negotiate for peace? Israel is aligned with the US, Iran with Russia. The US and Russia currently like each other less than usual. Biden is frail and no one cares what he has to say. Putin is busy with Ukraine and widely disliked outside of Russia.
Jordan? Saudi Arabia? Perhaps, but I’m also skeptical.
However, I think the US and Russia both independently have good reasons to get their wayward allies to chill out. Biden and Putin both have bigger problems than another Middle Eastern conflagration.
Russia is humiliated
Iran’s attack on Israel was thwarted by a secret Navy weapon no one knew they had.
Meanwhile, Iran was betting on Russian missile defense systems.
lol LOL
Anyway, I bet Tehran is pissed. Iran has also been supplying Russia with missiles and drones for the war against Ukraine. They might be less inclined to provide as many now. And with Israel staring them down, Iran might decide it needs more weapons for itself.
Many of us have been expecting that the new wave of Middle Eastern violence would kick off World War I II, but it leading to the end of the Ukrainian war would be the funniest possible outcome.
The US is on shaky fuel footing
Typical prepper advice is to fill your gas tanks, store gas, etc. Because oil prices are already going up as I write this. But let’s be honest, you’ll have to refill your car(s) in a few days, so what are you saving, like maybe 5 bucks? By all means, keep them topped off, but let’s be real.
In the bigger picture, Biden drained the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to keep gas prices down and then stubbornly refused to refill it while gas prices were low. In fact, the administration is talking about releasing even more of the SPR.
Lord help us, we are ruled by the dumbest people. The entire purpose of the SPR is that it’s an emergency supply. It was established in the mid-’70s after the oil embargoes led to gasoline shortages.
The Biden administration had a limited window to replenish it at a reasonable price and that window has likely just closed.