I’ve been battling COVID for well over a week. This round has mostly been like a bad cold, except I run out of steam around mid-afternoon. So I’ve had a hard time staying on top of things like Unprepared posts.
But when it comes to gardening, timing is of the essence, so I took some time this week to start seeds for the spring garden. If you want to garden this year, now is the time to start seeds. Check out our seed-starting guide for everything you need to know.
Our plan this year is pretty simple:
This year, I’m almost exclusively using the Burpee SuperSeed trays. They’re a little expensive up front, but they make it super easy to keep the seedlings watered and you can run it through the dishwasher when you’re done. They’re great for small home gardens.
We’re mostly sticking to basic greens: Chinese cabbage, lettuce, kale, and spinach. Those are for the early garden, and I’ve started some cherry tomato seedlings for the summer garden. We also have a bed of garlic going.
This year, we’re going to try to sell our excess production at the local farmers market. My kids are going to attempt growing flowers to sell.
Other than the Chinese cabbage seeds (leftover from last year’s Johnny’s order), I just bought seed packets locally this year.
I no longer try to grow plants in the house—they’re just too leggy. I put them in my cheap plastic TSC greenhouse and zip it up unless another polar vortex swoops in.