Thanks, great info! Could you do an article in a few months about coping with blazing hot summers? Last summer in mid-Mo stunted or killed nearly everything.
I’d also like an article with links to inexpensive products for growing vegetables in pots on the deck. I bought organic potting soil in large bags which were very expensive, twenty dollars each, and I didn’t produce very much. Thanks!
I stressed a lot. Moved everything onnthe deck close to the house for shade. Considered putting the tomatoes under the deck, but didn’t, thinking they wouldn’t get enough sun. Bought shade cloth but didn’t know how to use it. We had three kinds of hot peppers, which did great. The zucchini, summer squash, and green peppers didn’t produce at all. I planted peas at the veginning of May, and they just died at one inch tall. In July it was going to the high nineties or low one hundreds very often. It was disappointing.
Thanks, great info! Could you do an article in a few months about coping with blazing hot summers? Last summer in mid-Mo stunted or killed nearly everything.
Sure, great idea. It really comes down to water, shade, and planting heat-loving crops.
I’d also like an article with links to inexpensive products for growing vegetables in pots on the deck. I bought organic potting soil in large bags which were very expensive, twenty dollars each, and I didn’t produce very much. Thanks!
I stressed a lot. Moved everything onnthe deck close to the house for shade. Considered putting the tomatoes under the deck, but didn’t, thinking they wouldn’t get enough sun. Bought shade cloth but didn’t know how to use it. We had three kinds of hot peppers, which did great. The zucchini, summer squash, and green peppers didn’t produce at all. I planted peas at the veginning of May, and they just died at one inch tall. In July it was going to the high nineties or low one hundreds very often. It was disappointing.