Tom Nash on twitter commented: “ I gotta understand the decision making process of the Russian army. Whoever suggested shelling Europe's largest nuclear power station - what were you thinking? This is like firing a bazooka inside an airliner. What the actual F were they thinking?

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Some have suggested the goal was to control Ukraine's power supply. It also could have been an accident. In any case, it seems like a bad idea.

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Just a further fyi on the Ukraine issue and Tom Nash. Tom Nash is Russian born American. Soviet born actually, family and friends both in russia and Ukraine. So he is a good source. And as he has said before, anyone that has lived in russia understands preparedness as so little is available reliably, from food to gasoline or electricity.

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There is a report that the Russians may not have been responsible for shelling the nuclear plant. That's why I was careful in my post to not specify that the Russians hit it, rather it was hit by shells. Fog of war, etc. https://twitter.com/TheInsiderPaper/status/1499790717354491904?s=20&t=v5FPfVxl1Jfpj0oSH4kSnQ

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Hello! I created from official sources a list of organizations that are currently needing donations to help civilians in Ukraine. I'd really appreciate if you could share it within your community so we can improve the help we're giving. Thank you!


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Thank you Isabel. To our readers: I have not vetted all of these links, but the ones I recognize look legit.

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